Posted by: Marina | September 18, 2009

Talking about online tutorials

This weeks reading gave me a good outlook on the network and interaction online. Shirky is delivering clear points on the sharing information, cooperation and creating a group identity that develops an organized network. Such social grouping does not follow the standard rules of the tyical organization and the management concepts. The online interaction activity seems to be sorted and systemized by broad public interest of sharing, receiving and contributing.

When thinking of the example on collaboration , sharing  and creating a synchronized interaction the online tutorials come to my mind. In my opinion the free youtube or vimeo learning videos are been great sources of knowlegde on how to do and operate things. I find that unlimited range of the tips from how to work a certain software to how to get ride of the wine stain are a suffieciant way to get the answers on your questions without going far away from your computer. These days you can forget the idea of taking a photoshop class at school that requires paying a tutuition and a trip. In addition you might be unsatisfied with the results of the course, for instance I always was expecting from instructor to share more information with students. In the case of the online tutorials it seems that people who make them are working fully on delievering the subject. Although, I never done and shared any tutorials I think it’ll be a good experience. You get the power to organize, create and publish a project knowing that it will be a use and a help for somebody.  In my opinion this system appears to work for both the receivers and the ones who share.

Using internet is a source for personal and professional research the online tutorials seem as a useful sharing among the groups. But I guess, along the benefits there are a number of issues such a quality and accuracy of the learning material and etc.

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